Friday, August 21, 2009

Selamat Berpuasa..

Hello guys...sorry for the long absence in blogging. Been busy and lazy for the past few weeks ago...I have lots of story to share but I am freaking lazy these days to update my blog. Been busy with my loved one's and school stuff. Just wanted to say Selamat Berpuasa to all the Muslims all over the world. Stay calm and cool for this month yeah.

If you ask my preparation for Ramadhan, well I hate to say this; absolutely nothing! Why? Because I think I can cope with it after few days of fasting. Besides, this is the best time for me to kill all my sins and hope for the best rewards that Allah offers us; His forgiveness. I know that all this time I am not the good one (in ibadat, not that I am a bad person or what lol), so why not I try to work hard for myself to become a better Muslim? Insya-Allah I can...if I manage to.

Anyway, I'll be online on my MSN ( every Sahur if possible, since I won't be sleeping like others that much and I don't want to waste all the food inside my stomach to turn into...fat hahaha. I just hope I can blog more, since I miss blogging so much but yet I am a lazy one to write.
