Friday, July 27, 2012

For Those of Us Who Can Only Dream of a Supercar, Here's the Next Best Thing - Driving Experiences

Supercars are like a grizzly accept. They gaze attractive, but rub underneath the surface and you'll find a wild animal that'll tear your face off if you make a wrong move. They're also expected to be so n' sos to start from the cold. And for most of us, the protection would be through the top covering. Of course, this is all assuming we're adept to pay for the thing in the first place. Which we can't. So what's the next best thing? We'd propose going by car gift experiences. Here's a rundown of just a couple of of the vehicles you could be putting through their strides.

Lamborghini Gallardo

As going by car experiences proceed, they don't get much better than flooring this awful young man around the track. alright, so the Gallardo arguably needs the lovable stupidity of older Lambos, but it still examines the enterprise. Better yet, with Audi now taking care of everything under the bonnet, the good report is it really works - unlike its older siblings. Cue 0-62 in about 4.3 seconds. And a disturbance reminiscent of Pavarotti getting booted in the groin.

Aston Martin DB9

For a going by car experience that arrives with a large-scale dollop of suave and sophistication, it can only be an Aston. The DB9 is what all Astons should be - ridiculously pretty and quintessentially British, entire with a leather central that's more country tavern than Ikea minimalism. Most significantly, though, it can really shift. You're looking at a V12, six-litre engine that'll do 0-62 in a smidgen under five seconds.

Ferrari 360

Just state the name Ferrari and you'll have high expectations of being in for a genuine treat. Thankfully, the 360 won't let you down. It's got a 3.6 litre V8 engine, so give it some welly and you'll do 0-60 in 4.3 seconds. But more than that, it's a Ferrari. And it's red. Need we say more? Get yourself interior one of these and you'll feel like a Premier association footballer from Cheshire. Or his WAG. despite, it's insanely good fun.

Ariel Atom

You might not be hugely familiar with the Atom. Built by the tiny Ariel company in Norfolk, this little motor is nothing like its more 'glamorous' competition. For starters, you can get your hands on one for about 30 grand. "So what's it got going for it?" you inquire. Well, because it only weighs 500kg, it develops 600bhp per ton. That folks, is more than a Ferrari Enzo. The result is a face-meltingly fast 0-60 in 2.9 seconds! It's a driving gift know-how on a entire new grade.

Audi R8

Well, it's German, so you understand the engineering will be peak drawer. And it examines as attractive as a image, too. In detail, it's a proper supercar to competitor anything the Italians can throw at it. What's more, its crucial statistics tot up as well. We're conversing a 4.2 litre V8 engine that'll churn out over 400bhp, while firing you off at a break-neck peak pace of 187mph. Or, if you'd rather, 0-62 in 4.6 seconds.

And don't overlook, what we've emphasised here is only the tilt of the going by car experience iceberg. Lotus, Porsche and Nissan are all on the agenda too, so it actually is a case of concluding what best suits. And, of course, the good majority of the going by car experiences can be taken at numerous locations over the UK.