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Amphibious lamborghini takes to the high seas

At first glance, I thought this seafaring sports car was the underwater Lotus Esprit from The Spy Who Loved Me. Much to my amazement, it’s a real amphibious Lamborghini Countach built by Mike Ryan of SeaRoader. …
World's first luxury amphibious motorcoach/yacht

Touted as the world's first luxury amphibious motorcoach/yacht, the C.A.M.I.L.C Terra Wind boasts revolutionary design and luxury features. At a standard length of 42’6”, the Terra Wind RV is built with fiberglass reinforced plywood with a foam core, while the hull is constructed from 3/16" marine g…
2009/2010 New Automotive Policy is totally bullshit and it BURDENS the people!

This is freaking bullshit and it totally burdens the people off. A good way to protect our "much loved" Proton and Perodua. I hope this doesn't EVER happen again, because I really think this would make the rakyat (people) mad and will protest against government.Here's a good quote of question or ans…
Siapa Mau Sofa dari Bodi Vespa?

Desain unik Vespa memang mengundang decak kagum banyak orang. Tidak hanya mengundang minat untuk menungganginya, tapi juga mengkreasinya dengan berbagai kerajinan lain yang sama uniknya.Hal itulah yang melatari sebuah studio seni bernama Bel&Bel dari Spanyol ketika mereka membuat sofa dengan bahan u…
Now, Russian Lada looks very sporty

LADA-C is conceptual design on the basis of the new platform, which is developing in cooperation with Magna International Inc. and will become the base for the whole range of new LADA models. This class-C family will include sedan, hatchback, universal, compact van and cross-over with engines 1.6 – …
Adwitya Amandio Bela Merah Putih

Drifter muda tanah air Adwitya Amandio mengatakan siap bertarung dengan drifter terbaik Asia Pasifik lainnya di kejuaraan Formula Drift Pro-Am Series (FDPAS) 2009, 6-8 November 2009, di Thailand."Saya bangga untuk turut serta dalam ajang drifting internasional. Meski tidak mengejar target menjadi ju…
Sultan Bin Tahnoun opens Saadiyat Art Cars Expo

Sheikh Sultan Bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) and Tourism Development '&' Investment Company (TDIC), inaugurated yesterday the Art Cars exhibition held in the grounds of Manarat Al Saadiyat, the new 15,400 square metre dedicated artistic venue on Saadiyat Is…