...Vintage Mercedes Coolness...

Frank Lloyd Wright
Mercedes Benz 300S Sedan & 300SL Gullwing

Frank Lloyd Wright is considered by many to be the greatest architect of the 20th Century, and he is pictured below standing in front of one the homes he designed, and he has is standing in front of his Mercedes 300S Sedan, which kind of looks like a Rolls Royce, and Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing.

The Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing is considered to be one of the most classic, iconic and collectable cars ever made. Frank Lloyd Wright also designed the Manhattan Mercedes Benz dealership located at 430 Park Avenue in New York City in the 1950s for Max Hoffman, who was a car importer.

Frank Lloyd Wright's most famous piece of residential architecture was likely "Falling Water" which is a residential home built on top of a natural waterfall, which is pictured below.

Frank Lloyd Wright Car Design

Frank Lloyd Wright was a design fanatic, and many people don't realize that at one point he attempted to redesign the automobile, as see below in this article that ran in the May 24th, 1959 issue of "This Weeks Magazine". This Weeks Magazine was a Supplement that was included in many Sunday newspapers in America.
