But this particular video here, is different (Video borrowed from Denesh Dmaniac, founded on The Clipping Point blog).
From my point of view (and evaluation, of course), it seems the Evo is damn fast! But well, that is an Integra and by the looks of it, its NA. The Evo is turbo with AWD, that shouldn't be a problem. You should read the comments posted at The Clipping Point blog.
I wonder if a Nissan GTR or a highly tune Supra can catch this beast. Time will tell. But kudos to the Integra driver for trying. You got a titanium ball dude by doing this.
Oh by the way, I wish you all Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone. Please forgive me if I have done any wrong doing (lie, steal mad, angry or whatever) and please, be careful when driving. Remember the love one's and God. Plan your trip well. Tune your car too. Don't follow the above act.