Turin - This is the third year, students of European Institute of Design (IED), was given the opportunity to develop future models of BMW cars. So far the results are almost similar like Batman's car.

Programs that are supported directly by the BMW, trying to interpret the philosophy of BMW via the form design in accordance with the trend of the evolution of cars in accordance with developments in each year. Until the car design is predicted to be the trend in 2015.

Motor Authority was quoted as saying on Friday (7/25/2008), no fewer than three BMW's design experts were involved in the project appraisal. They are Thomas Plath, Director of Model Techniques BMW, Anders Warming, Exterior Design Director of BMW, and BMW's head of design, Chris Bangle.

Results of the concept car design looks like Batmobil than original BMW cars but this is the result of an impression and creativity are appreciated freely.

Among several design models, the two works from the commission received apresasi BMW. The two design themes are similar Batmobil. "Africa decomposing" and "Snug".

From as many as 18 cars concept that has been established, only 8 which will be followed for the development process for a scale model of the real. While some will serve as a model sisainya firtual.